Feeling Completely Liberated!

Have you ever felt completely liberated, especially recently? Such occasions have become rare in our lives. But they are not impossible. They may not be easy to come, but once you decide, they are very much possible for you. One thing which I can promise you is that the experience you get feeling completely liberated is worth the every effort you have to put in to acquire this experience.

Each one of us has a different notion of feeling completely liberated and that’s why it’s important to understand that you may not relate completely to what I am going to share with you now. However I am confident that whatever I share, will make some meaning for you, and it will definitely add some value to your life, be it big or small. Frankly, it will largely depend on what you want to take out of my sharing.

It so happened that a few months back I got a chance to create something new, and I liked it so much that I dedicated myself completely to the cause. I immersed myself in it so much so that I started living and breathing it. It started to change something in me, bringing out my those qualities which I failed to discover until now. I started to surprise my own self. One of the major factors working in my favour was my luck to have got a great mentor to steer me into creating these possibilities. My work had become more of fun than a mere responsibility and I had started hoping to finally creating some magic. One of the biggest drivers for these initiatives was also a possibility to solve a major upcoming problem, which at the moment is quite small, and hence may not appear very important.

One of my well-wishers felt that my decision to just focus on a single thing, howsoever exciting it may be, could be a potential threat to my growth. So he suggested that in parallel I also continue to do what I had done almost all my work life. I agreed with him however soon realized that the ‘old thing’ had started to become a major distraction and was fast becoming a threat to my complete dedication to the ‘new thing’. I reached a point where I was not able to concentrate on either. Since I had given my word to my well-wisher, for some time, I couldn’t go and share with him about my new situation. I felt that if I do this, it may create a poor impression about me in his mind, he may feel bad or he may not take me seriously in future, etc. I was getting endless thoughts in my mind and had started to feel much stressed.

Very recently, I got a chance to spend some time with my mentor wherein I expressed that I had running been quite stressed in the last few weeks. In my own assessment, the stress had crept in due to this imbalance in my work life and the lack of my control to resolve it. My mentor made an extremely powerful statement that most of us do not do in our life what we really want to do, although we all know that one day we are going to die, and this is the source of our stress. This statement shook me like a thunderbolt. It catapulted me in a very pensive mood. I took time to appreciate the depth of this statement and what it means for me.

I decided to take courage to have an open discussion with my well-wisher. I sat with him to share as to how good that ‘new thing’ is, how it’s so very important for us to gain a first-mover advantage in it, what all it can do, what benefits it can provide, and most importantly why I should pursue it as the ‘only thing’ for at least the next few months. All the time I shared this, I remained authentic and forthright. It took some time and effort on our respective parts to understand and realize that we both are working towards achieving the same objective, however our approach is different. The moment we realized this, my well-wisher also suggested me to even seek more resource to achieve the results in the minimum time.

I must say that I felt completely liberated doing this! I could put a lot at stake because I have started believing that one who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing. The only real failure is the failure to try, and the measure of success is how we cope with disappointment, as we always must. In my view the single most important factor which worked in my favour was my decision to authentically express myself in creating a possibility with my complete conviction.

I wish you too soon get a chance to feel completely liberated! Wish you all the very best in your quest for it.


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