Feeling Completely Liberated!
Have you ever felt completely liberated, especially recently? Such occasions have become rare in our lives. But they are not impossible. They may not be easy to come, but once you decide, they are very much possible for you. One thing which I can promise you is that the experience you get feeling completely liberated is worth the every effort you have to put in to acquire this experience. Each one of us has a different notion of feeling completely liberated and that’s why it’s important to understand that you may not relate completely to what I am going to share with you now. However I am confident that whatever I share, will make some meaning for you, and it will definitely add some value to your life, be it big or small. Frankly, it will largely depend on what you want to take out of my sharing. It so happened that a few months back I got a chance to create something new, and I liked it so much that I dedicated myself completely to the cause. I immersed myself in it so much...