
Showing posts from April, 2020

My realizations from brooming my house!

Let me start with a candid acknowledgement: before the national lockdown, which happened as a result of COVID-19, I’ve not really been into house cleaning activities, much less brooming my house (as a balancing act, I’ve mostly assumed responsibility for bringing stuff from the market). From an early age I’ve avoided brooming, with an excuse that I’ve some kind of dust allergy. Neither my mother followed by nor my wife really looked for a help from me in this particular department of the household chores. Lately, when our housemaid stopped visiting us, one of the activities which fell in my lap, partly by choice and partly by lack of options, is brooming. Not that I chose it as my first choice, but I went for it since I detested washing utensils more, and mopping was not available (my wife won’t handover me the final house cleaning act of the day). As I got into my newly found ‘pastime’, I’ve started to get some realizations, a few of which are very basic, and a couple of them are...