The Lounge
Claimer: All characters appearing in this work are real. Any resemblance to real persons is purely intentional. The recent heavy rains in Mumbai have prompted this reminiscence. July 2005 is and likely to remain unforgettable for most of the Mumbaites for a long long time. And so shall be the case for many like me who were visiting Mumbai, especially on the 26 th of July. I love Sales & Marketing part of my job, because it offers me an opportunity to travel, visit different places, meet various people, learn diverse cultures, enjoy multifarious foods and most of all gather lots n lots of experience. It was during one of my such visits, this one to Mumbai, where I experienced what I call until today, an epitome of customer delight! I landed in Mumbai on the 24 th evening for strategy discussions with my HQ planned on the 25 th & 26 th for two very large projects which we had targeted to acquire. We reached a decision by the afternoon of 26 th . My supervisor ...