Medals & Trophies
Each one of us loves to share our bit of successes with others as it makes us happy. Many times our Medals & Trophies are a proof of our success. Generally as a student, the more we have, the more successful we are perceived to be. It gives us a sense of pride to have them more in number than our closest friend or foe. There are also other forms of Medals & Trophies which may not prove us to be successful however surely convey how adventurous we would have been in our childhood and growing-up years. Quite a few of them remain with us for our lifetime, sometimes as a living proof of mischievousness. Guess what am I talking about? For me, the first Medal I received was in Class III while I studied at ‘Chukha Public School’ in ‘Cimakothi’ @ Bhutan. Being a hilly & forest country, you could find rocks emanating from ground anywhere & everywhere. There was one such rock which occupied practically 15 to 20% of our school playground. One day, while I raced with my fe...